Projects and Improvements

Projects in Glastonbury, which require a Glastonbury Landowners Association (GLA) Project Review Application, must comply with the GLA Governing Documents. Projects exempt from Project Review Applications are listed below. 


Before any construction, before preparing for any construction by bringing materials onto a parcel, and before proceeding with any subdivision, family conveyance or boundary adjustment, a Board-approved project application is required (see Masterplan 2.0 and Covenant 6.01). 


Failure to submit a project application prior to beginning construction is a violation that will result in a landowner being voted out of good standing and incur a $250 late project application fee.


All project application documents must be complete and submitted to the GLA administrative offices at least two (2) weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting, in order for the project application to be considered. 


  • House design standards can be found in sections 1 and 2 of the Masterplan.
  • Road and Driveway design standards can be found here.

An application is not considered complete, and thus ready for processing/review, until corner survey markers for the lot are found and flagged.  Corner boundaries are required to be viewed during the on-site review process.   Flagging of corner boundaries must be completed by the time the application is submitted.  Landowners unable to flag corner boundaries, can consult the GLA FAQ page that includes information about finding local surveyors (here).  


Project Application Process

Instructions for Project Review Application Forms

As required by Section 6.01 of the Glastonbury Covenants, when Glastonbury landowners are planning to build a structure they are required to first submit their plans to the Project Review Committee of the Glastonbury Landowners Association.


Projects that DO NOT not require a Project Review Application:

  • Dirt moving
  • Dormers
  • Driveway entry arches
  • Fences
  • Fire pit installation
  • Flagpoles
  • Foot bridges
  • Front door or garage door upgrades
  • Gates
  • House painting
  • Irrigation system
  • Landscaping
  • Outdoor lighting (lampposts and or walkway lights)
  • Patio
  • Pergola
  • Pond (depending upon size & depth)
  • Roof replacement
  • Siding replacement
  • Stone veneers
  • Stupas
  • Subsequent skylight installation
  • Trellises
  • Uncovered deck
  • Walk
  • Window replacement


Projects that DO require a Project Review Application (for preliminary project approval):

  • Accessory Outbuilding: Form A-2 (less than 500 sq ft); or Form A-3 (500 sq ft or greater);
  • Addition: Form A-4
  • Blasting: Form K
  • Built-in Pool: Form L
  • Commercial: Form I
  • Driveway: Form E
  • Factory-Built Residence or Structure: Form F
  • Garage: Form A-2 (fewer than 500 sq ft); or A- 3 (500 sq ft or larger)
  • Greenhouse (including hoop houses): Form A-2 (fewer than 500 sq ft); or A- 3 (500 sq ft or larger)
  • Guest house: Form A-5
  • Miscellaneous Other Project: Form N
  • Manufactured home: Form G
  • Pond (depending upon size): Form M
  • Residence: Form A-1
  • Road: Form E (refer to road standards)
  • Septic/Sewage disposal system: Form C
  • Signage: Form J
  • Shop: Form A-2 (fewer than 500 sq ft); or A- 3 (500 sq ft or larger)
  • Subdivision/Family conveyance/Boundary adjustment: Form D
  • Variance: Form H
  • Well: Form B


Project applications are a two (2) part process involving several steps in each part.


Part 1:  An application for preliminary approval before beginning the project


    1. Landowner submits Project Forms including fee payment.

    2. Project Review Committee (PRC) meets/discusses/visits build site.

    3. Project is presented to the GLA Board for review.

    4. If the board approves the project, the Landowner may then begin building subject to
      PRC oversight with permission to enter the property to assure building conforms to the specifications submitted.

If the board does not grant preliminary approval or approval is pending, building may not begin until the application fulfills the board’s requirements, and the new/revised version receives approval.


Part 2:  An application for final approval at the completion of the project


    1. Project Review Committee Member Visit

    2. Schedule Refund of Construction Bond within three years of starting the project, subject to renewal with a written request to the PRC.


Project Review Application Materials:


Step 1. For preliminary project approval, all projects require that you complete:

  1. The “Project Review Application” and,

  2. One or more of Forms A–K that are appropriate for your project.  (Note the non-refundable fee of $50 for the first form and $20 for additional forms submitted at the same time.)

  3. A plat map or site drawing drawn to scale showing the entire lot indicating the location and dimensions of the proposed construction, setback distances shown from the proposed construction to the nearest property boundaries, as well as any existing structures or development on the lot for reference including the well, septic system and drainfields (site plan example).

  4. Elevation and Plan views of the proposed structure(s) as appropriate (building plan example).

  5. All forms must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior a GLA Board Meeting.


Note:  The Project Review Application Instructions are linked below, please read ALL the instructions before choosing the appropriate forms from the “Project Review Applications Forms” linked further below.


Applicant Checklist <- Download


Project Review Application Forms:


The following forms have been provided in separate PDF (Portable Document Format) files you can download, print, fill out and submit.  You can send these to the GLA Post Office Box, or scan them in
as images or PDF’s and 
email them to the Official GLA Info Account.


Step 1:  All Projects Must include…


Application for Preliminary Project Approval (Additional Forms may be needed)

Form A-1:  Residence

Form A-2: Outbuilding

Form A-3: Accessory Building

Form A-4: Addition

Form A-5: Guest House

Form B: Well

Form C: Septic / Sewage Disposal System

Form D: Subdivision / Family Conveyance / Boundary Adjustment

Form E: Road / Driveway

Form F: Factory-Built Residence or Structure

Form G: Manufactured Home Placement

Form H: Variance

Form I: Commercial / Institutional

Form J: Signage / Other Project

Form K: Blasting


Step 2: Application for Final Project Approval


1. The “Application for Final Project Approval” submitted

  1. A Project Review Committee member’s in-person site inspection arranged and completed during which the preliminary approval conditions are shown to have been met in order to reclaim the construction bond.


To read PDF files, make sure you install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (free software). In some cases, older versions of the Acrobat Reader software are unable to open the latest version
PDF files. If you are affected by this problem, please be sure to upgrade to the
latest version of Acrobat Reader.


Project Fees:


These are fees are paid to the GLA to help cover the cost to process and review the application, and to contribute to the expense of maintaining our roads as a result of construction activity.


Refundable Fees:


A refundable Construction Bond is required in most cases.  This gives landowners an incentive to clean-up and re-seed their property at the conclusion of their project.


Non-Refundable Fees:


  • There is a non-refundable $50 application fee for all project review applications which helps cover the cost of copying the application for the board members and the necessary administration time.  (This application fee includes one [1] form A-K.)

  • Each additional form submitted with the same project review application at the same time incurs an additional non-refundable fee of $20 . There is a non-refundable Project Impact fee which is designed to help cover the extra road maintenance costs incurred by heavy equipment using our roads during construction projects. Please see the Fee Schedule for Structures and the bottom of the Forms for the impact fees for wells, septic systems, roads/driveways, etc.

Road Damage:


If the construction or installation process causes damage to a road that is maintained by the GLA, the GLA will have their maintenance contractor fix the damage with the cost of that repair to be paid by
the landowner responsible. A bill for the damage will be sent to the landowner, to be paid within 30 days. After 30 days, unpaid damage bills will be added to the landowner’s assessments with interest accrued at the GLA interest rate each month that the bill remains unpaid.


Impact Fee & Construction bond fee schedule for structures <–Download


Project Review


The Project Review Committee will review project materials to ensure that the guidelines established by the Covenants and standards of Glastonbury are being met. The committee will also give recommendations and conditions for preliminary approval as needed.

Part of this process is an in-person site review to determine if setback requirements have been met: any building, septic system, drain field, well or driveway must have adequate distance from property lines, streams, ponds, etc. to meet county and GLA standards. In the case of driveways and roads, there must be adequate site distance at the point where the driveway or road enters into a Glastonbury platted road or subdivision road, and the grade should be no greater than
10%. When there is an existing ditch along the side of the platted road, the Committee will determine whether a culvert is needed under the driveway. Another aspect reviewed is whether the any proposed roads meet Road Standards (link).


Presentation to the GLA Board


After reviewing a project application, the Project Review Committee presents it to the GLA Board during the monthly board meeting. As a result of the Board’s review, the applicant is then sent a form
that indicates the approval status along with any recommendations or conditions for approval.


Final Approval


When a landowner has completed their project, they will apply for final approval. At this time, a committee member visits the site to ensure that conditions for approval have been met, and the Construction Bond (if previously collected) is scheduled for refund.


Upon Completing Project Review Application Forms 


Please return your completed forms, along with any supplementary information that may be required for your application, to the above address. Applications need to be received at least 2 weeks before a GLA Board meeting to allow time for review. Board meetings are generally scheduled on the first or second Monday of each month and are posted on our web site.

If you have any questions regarding these forms or your construction project, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Project Review Committee.

The Glastonbury Covenants, Bylaws, Master Plan and Standards are posted on our web site and
be downloaded by clicking on this link.